Woman plans flower show

A plan to host a floriculture show in Honiara this year is on track. Heading the preparation is a local florist Annie Maedia. This will be a first of its kind show to be organised in Honiara by grassroot women and women living in town. Mrs Maedia said organisers are looking for funding to ensure…

SIPTCC gives to Haura SSEC Association

THE Haura South Sea Evangelistic Church Association in east Makira has received a computer set last week to assist their work in the rural district, thanks to SIPTCC. Solomon Islands Peace Traumatic Counselling Centre (SIPTCC) donated the computer along with a printer and a photocopy machine to boost the work of the association. SIPTCC president…

Dr Zobule tours land of the bible

FOUNDER and director of Islands Bible Ministries, Inc., Dr Alpheaus G. Zobule, is amongst a group of International Translation Consultants touring Israel, the land of the Bible. The special course is organised by Hebrew University of Jerusalem in cooperation with Home for Bible Translators and Scholars. The course focuses on the history, geography and archaeology…

NGO reps discuss issues face by women

NINE women and nine men representing five non-governmental organisations met from March 18 to 20 to discuss gender discrimination resulting in inequalities in communities here. The participants work in communities in Honiara, Malaita and Guadalcanal Provinces. “I have worked for 8 years at the community level and I have come to realise the extent of…