ROOTS for Kilu’ufi

A local band called ‘THE ROOTS’ consisting of some of the country’s pioneer musicians will be traveling to Auki to help in a fundraising drive organised by the ‘Friends of Kilu’ufi’ based in Auki, Malaita Province. John Adifaka Jr told the Solomon Star in a statement on Wednesday. He said that ‘Friends of Kilu’ufi’ consists…

Women benefit from CSSI, RSIPF awareness talk

MOTHERS union members from the Saint Luke Church-Kia Parish Diocese of Isabel and Saint Barnabas Provincial Cathedral of the Anglican Church of Melanesian has benefited from the CSSI and RSIPF joint educational awareness talk, facilitated by CSSI Commissioner Gabriel Manelusi and Sgt Robert Malo of the National Crime Prevention Department of the RSIPF at the…

Efona calls for social transformation

MEMBER of Parliament for Central Honiara is calling on all constituents to participate in the process of good governance, transparency and to uphold principles that govern our constitution to achieve social transformation and genuine change. The Honourable MP for Central Honiara Alfred Efona made this call when speaking on Sunday 13th June 2021 at the…

DMP making it big globally

SOLOMON Islands renowned boy band ‘Doorman’s Project (DMP) has taken a massive step in their music journey making it top of the World’s largest music online competition – the Djooky Music Awards (DMA). According to band manager and promoter, Victor Lopez, “the boys recently entered as the first Solomon Islands artists into the DMA.” “They…

Sepi forms Women Inshore Fisheries Initiative

A NEWLY established group known as Sepi Women Inshore Fisheries Initiative that engages women in the Fisheries Sector has been established last month.  The Sepi women Inshore Fisheries Initiative comprises of 20 members from the Sepi Village, West Bugotu, Santa Ysabel.  This newly formed organisation is aimed at engaging in the fisheries sector – To…