Call for girl’s camp

WITH the growing number of cases involving rape and abuse against girls in the country, some parents and guardians are calling for the need for girls camps to become a regular program, especially in the Western Province. Sharing her concern Ms. Delrine Samu said having a daughter of her own it is comforting to know…

UCSI ordains new minister

The United Church of Solomon Islands, UCSI, has joyfully welcomed another Church minister into its folds on Saturday 30th January 2021. The new Minister is Reverend Rockson Benisi, from Rukutu village in Marovo Lagoon, Western Province. His ordination was conducted by the United Church Moderator Reverend David Garunu at the Wesley United Church in Honiara,…

Workshop on gender based-violence 

MORE than 60 church representatives in Honiara have attended a two days workshop on 16 Days Activism on gender cased-violence this week. The workshop was jointly facilitated by Solomon Islands Christian Association (SICA) and Solomon Islands full Gospel Association (SIFGA) women’s leaders.  It was held on Monday and Tuesday this week at St. Barnabas Cathedral…