Pot holes

Dear Editor – Firstly, Gary ought to be praised in highlighting pot holes around Tongs building which finally led to repair. I would like to raise the same complaint on another road in town called Choviri. Choviri is a fixed term suburb that should be provided with amenities as good roads and garbage collection services…

Help for hospital

Dear Editor – The pledge of S1.13 Million from the Republic of China (ROC) Government for the refurbishing of the National Referral Hospital in support of better medical services is welcome news indeed and compliments the aid from the New Zealand Government with the Eye Centre facility, recently opened. The MOH in the Solomon Islands…

Timber auditing

Dear Editor – As one who has long advocated for anti-corruption measures in the Solomon Islands and supported the DCCG’s policy intentions on the creation of an Independent Commission Against Corruption it was encouraging to read a recent Radio New Zealand International news report which stated: “There are hopes an independent organisation can be set…

SSPM scam rumour

Dear Editor – It is now a big concern to people of this country regarding the current issues surrounding the suspected scam dealings by SSPM and other cabinet Ministers. If somehow the rumour turns out to be true, we might end up having the most and first ever corrupted SSPM in Solomon Islands history since…

DCCG turns paranoid

Dear Editor – It is becoming clearer to the general public that this representative government   (DCCG) willfully chooses to remain paranoid amidst all the revelation of their controversial decisions made since they took over leadership on December 2014. DCCG came into power and have raised a false hope as the only elected government assuming leadership…

Who is behind Alfred Sasako?

Dear Editor – Please allow space in your paper on our fact finding mission on this so called veteran journalist who has been obviously written against Asia Pacific Investment Development (APID) on a number of occasions in his investigative writings. For several weeks, one Alfred Sasako has made outrageous, sensationalist and unsubstantiated claims against APID…

West Rennell task force

Dear Editor – Allow me space to respond to A. Jones regarding the above article, in Star Issue No.5952 on Thursday 20/08/15. I am sorry for him that he falls short to understand the points that I have raised in my article on 19th /08/2015. In fact my article is basically questioning the formation of…

Activities in aid of disabled

Dear Editor – It was very satisfying to read in your newspaper yesterday, 26 August, that several people with disabilities from communities all around Honiara will participate in a sports ‘Fun Day’ at the Maranatha Hall. What was all the more pleasing was the report that the event was to raise awareness and for the…