A New Year

Dear Editor, Sunday 1st January 2023 is a new beginning for many people. It’s a special day for many reasons. In fact, different people will see different reasons to celebrate this day. A couple of things will be the same though. The sun will rise this morning in most places and later set this evening.…

Start exercising

DEAR EDITOR, World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of a surge in Chronic Disease by 2030 if people don’t start exercising.  This latest report which I am sharing sheds new light on the importance of exercise in combatting NCD illnesses, already common in the Solomon Islands and known to be stretching the capability and resources…


I remember somebody says Life is a disease caused by birth and cured by death That living is risky and dangerous Life is the breath of God and a body of soil So easily can be converted to dust This morning I wake up with a thoughtful erection Thinking of the United Nations hooligans Taking…