Concern over Valasi ward MPA

Dear Editor – Could you please spare me a column to briefly express my concern on our current Provincial Member for Valasi Ward, East Central Guadalcanal Constituency, Godfrey Raubola. Four years on the throne is about to lapse. The people of Valasi Ward are eagerly waiting and wishing to know if the Guadalcanal Provincial Government…

Thanks Japanese volunteers!

Dear Editor – I would like to take the opportunity through your newspaper of expressing my personal gratitude and thanks to four Japanese volunteers who will be leaving for home very soon after undertaking two years of voluntary work in the Solomon Islands. Mr Yusuke Nishiyama, a science teacher, worked at the ArnonAtomea school in…

Street selling

Dear Editor – I used to feel the same way my friend James Taranoa is feeling now, when I walked those same streets. I felt anger taking over, every time I saw what James is seeing now and was thinking of lodging the same sentiments to the authorities. Some citizens in the past have raised…

Monitoring logging

Dear Editor – Following the most recent security breach at a logging site in the Western Province earlier this month with led to the arrest of 70 or so people by the RSIPF there was yet another occurrence at Palepale Logging Camp at South Vella Island in the Western Province last Thursday. In that incidence…

Members of Parliament scholarship

Dear Editor – I must acknowledge and applaud the DCCG government for the great initiatives of the Members of Parliament Scholarship award. The MPs Scholarship is a great opportunity for the considerable number of potential Solomon Islanders that are unfortunate to award with scholarship whether International, regional and Solomon Islands government Scholarship each year. Ever…

Good Governance

Dear Editor – I would appreciate if you allow me a Column in your newspaper to highlight my momentary perspective on Good governance. Good governance is about how best the public manages its resources and affairs. Leaders should be accountable to the needs and interests of the citizens, and carry out their duties with great…

Cocoa aiding rural women

Dear Editor – Cocoa produced in Isabel Province by Cathliro Commodities Development (CCDL) has been showcased at the Pasifika Festival aided by the Pacific Islands Trade & Investment Pacific Path to Market Programme. CCDL is a cocoa producing company, locally owned and managed by Diana Yates. The company has been in operation for 6 years.…

The Baha’i New Year

Dear Editor – Solomon Islands’ Baha’is Celebrate Naw-Ruz, the New Year, B.E. 174, Monday, 20 March 2017. The Honiara Baha’i community’s programme begins at the Baha’i Centre at 9:00am. Monday is a Baha’i Holy Day on which work is to be suspended. The Baha’iEra, B.E. 174 is coincidental with the Gregorian calendar 21 March 2017.…

Binge drinking

Dear Editor – After 20 years of closely monitoring societal issues in the Solomon Islands, both on the ground and from afar, I am increasingly alarmed about the high rates of alcoholism manifested in the reported increasing incidences of domestic and family violence, drunk driving, communicable diseases, crimes of violence, including wounding, and cases of…