AWPA’s letter to Forum leaders

Dear Editor – This is an open letter to Pacific Islands Forum Leaders from the Australia West Papua Association (AWPA) in Sydney, Australia. Dear Pacific Islands Forum leaders – on behalf of the Australia West Papua Association (Sydney), I am writing to you concerning the deteriorating human rights situation in West Papua. There has been…

Cash bonuses for medalists

Dear Editor – I refer to Messrs Sasako’s and Taloikwai’s respective letters of Friday 17th July, in Sun No. 2036 and Star No. 5927. I support the view that to give cash bonuses to our medalists, at least for the gold medalists, is not a big ask.  The country has provided zero to sub-standard training…

SI sports and Pacific Games

Dear Editor – The TV telecast of the XV Pacific Games in Port Moresby inspired and prompted these observations. Firstly thank you to Our Telekom for making the telecast possible. It had been so wonderful to just view a lot of the sports competition at the Games from the comfort of one’s home. Of utmost…

The value of time

Dear Editor – Yesterday has gone forever…What had you done? Did you make full use of time? No any regrets left behind for sure? People always say, it seems as if a lot of things which should have been done yesterday or the day before yesterday…never mind, just leave it for tomorrow…No matter how many…

Encouraging rural Guadalcanal producers

Dear Editor – It has been reported via the SIBC that some forty four rural producers in Guadacanal have joined forces to better involve themselves in the newly formed Honiara Central Market Vendors Association. The National Project Coordinator for the UN Women Markets for Change project in the Solomon Islands, Gaylyn Purairana, has reportedly said…


Dear Editor – It is with deep concern that this above illegal alcohol is causing so much problem in our country today. For a start, let me say the person who was responsible in coming up with the recipe of this product is partly to be blamed for causing this ever growing problem we now…

Familiar clichés

Dear Editor –  There were some familiar clichés used in speeches made at last week’s regional conference on Women’s Leadership and Political Participation in Honiara. It took the Prime Minister, the Hon. Manesseh Sogavare, to come up with the key words that a change in mind set is needed if women in the Solomon Islands…

Telekom’s Red Hot

Dear Editor – In one of the media outlets issued this week, a newspaper reporter clearly stated that Our Telekom company has decided to stay on to this newly introduced Red Hot marketing as it is more economical and benefits both the company and its customers. Furthermore, it makes it easier to enjoy the finest…

Giant African Snails

Dear Editor – This topic is of personal interest to me so when Gabriel Taloikwai raised it on Thursday 21st May; I thought I should chip in. Yes Gabriel, you have missed something. It has already been reported that relevant authorities are giving up the fight against giant African snail due to lack of government…