Tina Hydro project

Dear Editor – We write on the above subject to express our deepest disappointment on Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo led government to hijack the TRHDP from us by dealing with people outside Bahomea to pursue their self serving interest to use section 75 part two of the “land and little act” to compulsory acquired…

NPF loan

Dear Editor – I read in the papers that NPF is now having problems with one of its loans, in particular that to the Tavanipupu Tourist Resort. At the very beginning as far as I could remember, I raised my doubts as to the ability and the capacity of the resort to service the $15…

City Council and workshops

DEAR EDITOR – Please allow me space to express concerns on this issue above. It is encouraging to see many money making business activities emerging in every corner of the capital – a pop-corn here and an ice block there, a fish & chips here, a coconut there, a carwash here, a canteen there and…

World Cup Soccer

DEAR EDITOR – Watch out Solomons! There is a new brand of football or soccer as is popularly known now generally being played in Brasil at the World Cup. It is a blend of rugby, Aussie rules, and the little that is left of soccer as we are used to playing. The new brand I…

Three provinces miss out from PCDF program

DEAR EDITOR – Renbel Province is amongst the least developed provinces in the country. However, least educated members dominating the assembly had made the situation even worse as most colleagues believe. Besides lacking of knowledge and proper understanding on regulations and procedures, they corrupted and diverted most public funds include the PCDF projects, yet always…


DEAR EDITOR – I would like to convey my acknowledgement to each and every one of you for the sympathy and condolence message given to me and family over the passing away of our beloved daughter Late Macrina Sasa on the 1/5/14. It is now a month since she had left us and we still…

Tourism on Santa Anna

DEAR EDITOR – Owaraha long term tourism project on Santa Anna Islands covers quite a large area of land that people depend on for roots crops and various fruit trees like coconuts, bread fruits, nuts and bananas. As far as I’m aware, this tourism long term project covers Taraniwapu lands, Fangani Lands, Maroqorafu lands and…

Call for separate constituency

DEAR EDITOR – Paramount chiefs of Santa Anna and Santa Catalina islands (OWA) in the south eastern Solomon Islands, Makira Ulawa Province, are calling for a separate constituency from east Makira. East Makira national and provincial leaders of various communities must carefully consider the previous recommendations for Owaraha and Owariki to have a separate constituency…

Lungga land

DEAR EDITOR – RIPEL does not have any right to sell or make claims over any land beyond Alligator Creek, east Honiara. From what I understand, Levers the former owners of the land had transferred all that land over to CEMA. I have documents to prove that and I don’t know why is RIPEL, a…

Time to say goodbye

Dear Editor – The time is coming nearer to say goodbye to Care Centres, the homes that shelterrf us from the sun and rain, and kept our children warm. I on behalf of the flash flood victims of Rove Police Club Care Centre, Holy Cross Care Centre, FOPA Care Centre, say thank you to churches…