Sumsum has a point

Dear Editor – The airfares to and from the Solomons are not an issue for the lack of tourism to this country. As a visitor to the Solomons over the past ten years I can say that the lack of advancement in the infrastructure and amenities for tourists has been extremely disappointing. The airfares of…

SINU or SICHE graduation?

Dear Editor – Congratulations to everyone and everything which had a hand in making SINU’s second graduation ceremony the great success it was. Indeed it was so great to see the smiles on the faces of graduates with their degrees, diplomas, and certificates. The joy of academic achievement is usually supreme in our personal lifes…

Participation of women in

Dear Editor – The need for wider participation of women in the national
politics or any form of national leadership often generates very interesting discussions and comments amongst the general public. For a very long time women in Solomon Islands have continuously remained on the edge when it comes to leadership especially leadership in the public…

The principle of burden reduction

Dear Editor – There are some principles that we need to take on board so as to drive the policies and the country forward. Until we learn to dictate our departure or reference point, we will be ending up proposing policies that are fundamentalism-filled than fundamentally orchestrated therefore prolonging the burden of the people of…

Grand ‘Scale’ theft

Dear Editor – Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the front page pieces on Solomon Star issue No. 5787, Thursday 9th April. The two pieces that caught my eyes were those authored by Assumpta Buchanan and Denver Newter, with the headings “Grand Scale Theft” and “Scale Confiscated”. The two headings had the word…

Harsh judgement

Dear Editor – Several young students in the Solomon Islands have written to me in the past couple of months telling me of their ongoing difficulties in finding the money to progress their higher education dreams at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU). One young man, in particular, wrote to say he had been given…

SIDT planning project proposal

Dear Editor – Following the shameful incident last weekend when a mother in Makira Province was allegedly beaten and left paralyzed by her partner, the Solomon Islands Development Trust (SIDT) is preparing a fresh project for its theatre group to provide awareness at the village level on the issues surrounding domestic and family violence. The…

High cost of living

Dear Editor –  The current high cost of living is undisputable as every single citizen is feeling the pinch of it everyday. Those in the formal section are most affected as they have to meet every thing with their very small salary. The DCC government if cares for it’s citizen then should put mechanism in…

2015 National Budget

Dear Editor – It is my considered view that the national budget being debated at the moment is a budget to continue funding corruption which is rampant nationally. The Budget is not funding the reforms and restructures that are needed to bring about the changes to eliminate corruption. The new government, which prides itself in…