Matchbox or better?

Dear Editor – I applaud the Honiara City Council’s vision to improve the image of Honiara by demolishing the first stretch of buildings along the Pt. Cruz shoreline. Without the benefit of details, I feel compelled to express some reservation. My biggest concern is what will become of buildings that are historically significant.  For example,…

Change the name of CDF

Dear Editor – I call for CDF to be changed and be called MP’s discretion fund. The reason is obvious when MP’s, CDO’s, chairpersons and those who voted for the winning candidates do not allow other constituency citizens to access the fund. The list for projects under CDF omits all other citizens of the constituency.…

North Malaita road repair

Dear Editor – Please Ministry of Infrastructure, through your evaluation committee, can you explain why you choose Hatanga to repair the road in north Malaita. Seriously, Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) if you say you come to erase corruption then  some people within the evaluation Unit for MID already have access to some very expensive…

$3.7M support payment

Dear Editor – I am writing to express my personal views after reading  PM’s Special Secretary’s comments in regard to the recent  government payout to Breakwater Cafe owners which appeared is Star issue No. 5942. The tone in Rence Sore’s news release is very easy to see through from any angle that those types of…

Rejection and success

Dear Editor – Although not directly related issues, two articles in the local Solomon Island’s media caught my attention during last week. The first article referred to the reported failure of 28 students to meet their academic studies at the University of the South Pacific and would be returning home. I don’t know the background…