Political secretaries

Dear Editor – Opponents of the current government have accused the DCC of having nothing to show for during the three years the group was in power. From start, the number of political appointees (PA) drew criticisms from the public not only because of the quantity but more so, the quality of those appointed as…

Road works

Dear Editor – Finally its good to see the contractors back on our roads patching up the pot holes. These potholes have been very disturbing for vehicles for the past weeks. Thanks to the government and the contractor for the funding and labour to patch up the roads. Also the contractors need to visit some…

PNG vs.Solo

Dear Editor – The soccer game scheduled for 9th May, 2017 between PNG and Solo at Lawson Tama is a must game for the soccer crazy fans to go and watch as both teams will give it their best to see who gets the three points award. SI will be playing in their home ground.…

Gun owners

Dear Editor – Thank you for giving me space in your paper to voice out the complaints of number of Licence gun holders who have surrendered their guns in 2003 to RAMSI. It is sad to say that may be we are foolish or otherwise to surrender our guns at that time.  Today we expect…