Students’ allowance

Dear Editor – At the time of this writing, there are individuals and families whose livelihoods are at stake as they depend very much on the allowances paid out to them by our government. The reason being that they have to wait till the results of those studying at USP Laucala campus are out. Already,…

Given in an win

Dear Editor – It is interesting following up on the recent arguments for and against the reconciliation and apologies made to the nation in the past week. Like Fr. Ngalihesi, I’d like to add that all these political wrangling and point scoring that is done at the highest level serves no one’s interest let alone…

Achievements of SI business ladies

Dear Editor – Women in the Solomon Islands can, and must, play an important role in innovative economic development and business expansion in the country and the DCCG, along with regional partners, including the Asia Development Bank (ADB) should continue to explore business development services for women and help gender disparities in terms of business…

Leaf huts

Dear Editor – Joss Vyleu I refer to your letter in the Solomon Star[Monday 11th] re leaf huts. Don’t you know there are 2 standards for buildings in and around Honiara? Those who do what they want and do not apply and us who do the right and legal thing and apply for a permit…

Peace event

Dear Editor – Its good to see the successful staging of the national healing and apology week. At least some of the former combatants have come together and reconcile with each other and with the government, police and Honiara city. Its a first step to achieving lasting peace in the country. The experience from the…

Toilet plea

Dear Editor – Honiara city is a growing in terms of the population. Yet, one of the services that is lacking is public toilet. I’m not sure how many public toilets we have in our city. I remember one near the Honiara public library and at the Central Market. Apart from that, there are not…