Baegu Aifolaa United Action

Dear Editor – It is interesting to know where is the current status of the Baegu Asifolaa United Action Association (BAUA) which was at full force at its initial establishment. I have been viewing this BAUA as a right way forward towards good governance in Baegu Asifolaa Constituency but since its registration, it lies dormant…

To’abaita shipping company

Dear Editor  – It was revealed that MP for North Malaita (To’abaita) Constituency was one of the recipients of Solomon Islands Government (SIG) shipping grant in December last year. Forum Solomon Islands International (FSII) exposed the timely information which appeared in Solomon Star edition No. 5420, dated 4th February 2014. SIG had paid a total…

Food and exercise

Dear Editor – Thanks for giving me the opportunity. Today I would like to raise the issue of food and exercise.   Food has always been a centre of our life. Eating although a necessity can also be vied as a recreation – something we do in leisure time or pleasure. Holiday feasts cocktail parties and…

RDB where art thou?

Dear Editor – Please allow me space to seek help from our RDB, and the provincial executive. Having read your paper on Friday morning, (Sol star) I was really impressed with the report of another ship/boat for the IDC of Isabel Province. Realizing how much benefits will goes to the people of this particular province,…

Many are called

Dear Editor – Many are called but only a few were selected to continue their further studies abroad, let alone the below mark and the failed ones. The action taken by the responsible authority to choose only the best students to go for further training is a move in the right direction and for the…

Appointment of Moti

Dear Editor – Now that the arguments about Mr Moti’s claim for compensation had stopped for a while, I wish to raise some points concerning Mr Moti’s appointment to the past of the Attorney General. I have no legal background at all, but when I looked through relevant section of the Solomon Islands Constitution I…

Where are the millions?

Dear Editor – I was brought up as child in the 70’s in the rural area. There are three things which I first sensed during those childhood days which serviced me and is still servicing the people today. They are a clinic, water supply and a school. These are very important infrastructure I don’t know…

No development on Renbel

Dear Editor – I wish to express my concern over the current stature of Renbel provincial government. I can see the current situation of the Renbel province as chaotic or in our Pidgin version “Olobaot”. After seceding from the Central province I don’t see advancement in our province. The situation is extremely hard to believe.…

Need a change

Dear Editor – There are people who claim to be Christians and live with GOD’s living word each day and pray each day for GOD to help them especially manage certain obligations that they wanted to achieve but inside their heart is not clean at all. And this is a disgrace to GOD himself. As…