The floods cruelties

DEAR EDITOR – Dear Editor, I would be pleased if you could kindly print my poem in your coming issue. Once our great friends Our rivers span against us Swung their fangs and daggers To stab, maul, split and slay Taking us by surprise As we stood stunned Watching drily agape! What a cruelty!  …

Let’s forget St Barbara

DEAR EDITOR – I wish to respond to Dick Douglas, SIBC current affairs news yesterday regarding the call for St Barbara Mining Limited to return. We the new generation of Central Guadalcanal resource owners representing the 16 tribes who have entered into an agreement with Gold Ridge Mining Limited in 1996, wish to make the…

Why runaway?

DEAR EDITOR – Please allow me space in your paper. It’s funny to see full congregation left the church and ran away during service when they heard some people (outsiders) shouted “tsunami”. Pastors and Priests fled for their lives. All claimed “Christians” forget about immediate God they worship the moment they heard “tsunami”. What a…

Renbel MPA

DEAR EDITOR – Could you please print this article in your paper before the boat leaves home on the Thursday the 17th of April? And so allow me to voice out my concern on Renbel’s provincial member for ward (1) one, Hon William Kauga. This is terrible and absolutely wrong people for this Job. I…

The story of Easter

DEAR EDITOR – Thank you for this blessed opportunity which I would like to use to releash some fresh thoughts regarding the Death and Resurrection of Christ for all of us and the beloved people of Solomon Islands. The Death and Resurrection of Christ is the foundation of all Christianity. If Christ did not rise…

A need for bridge

Dear Editor – Following the April 3rd flash flood, the old Mataniko bridge was cut off. The disappearance of the bridge had forced many people to walk far distance and inorder to get into Point Cruz area or China Town. However, at the moment two raft boats are ferrying people to cross the Mataniko river…

Vehicle collusion

Dear Editor – I wish to respond to certain points you raised about the accident. Firstly, thank you for raising the matter in the paper but there are certain points that were far from any truth. The driver at that time of the accident was me and there was no officer in the car with…

Developments in Honiara

Dear Editor – Thank you for including the following article in your column. There must be a ‘silver lining’ in the ‘dark clouds’ which shrouded Honiara in the recent deadly flash floods and the heart breaks and misery they brought to Honiara and the nation. It is a golden opportunity for national and Honiara Town…

Vehicle collusions

Dear Editor – I wish to respond to certain points you raised about the accident. Firstly, thank you for raising the matter in the paper but there are certain points that were far from any truth. The driver at that time of the accident was me and there was no officer in the car with…