APID is NOT a mining company

Dear Editor – Your weekend Solomon Star edition of 20th Saturday 2016 carried a story regarding a tenement Worldlink Resources holds on West Rennell, Renbel Province. In the second last paragraph, you published the following statement, “Worldlink Resources operates on a tenement next to rival mining company, Asia Pacific Investment Development (APID) on West Rennell.”…

Crippled society

Dear Editor – Our situation is more critical than ever as we all face all nods day after day. Turning to the point that promises have been not fulfilled and development is not utilized to target our populace that need such development. Important mainstreams in the Government Ministries that contributed to the health, education and…

4th USP Campus

Dear Editor – I thank Charlie Kieu for his enlightening contribution on the issue of the 4th Campus of USP in the Solomon Islands. I was partly concerned that the issue which has been on the table since the 1980’s was going to proceed without at least some re-examination of the rationale underlying its initial…

Response to Man Talem Duim

Dear Editor – “SIWIBA shift to Room 47, NPF Plaza” SIWIBA wishes to clarify a matter raised through “Man Talem Duim Watchdog” No. 253. It was under strict directive from NPF Management that SIWIBA had to shift out from its previous location, Room 38 that we had just occupied April 2015 (last year) and took…

Millions of dreams!

Dear Editor – Every successful development in the history of mankind has an original blueprint. In other words someone has believed in it, visualized it, intellectualized it and designed it before it came into existence. This is a spiritual dynamic of creativity that God has placed in every man and woman. Having said this, I…

Wrong way to handle money

Dear Editor – To begin, after receiving my change from a fifty dollars ($50) note, I made a count to ensure receiving the rightful amount. It was right; however, something strange and unusual caught my attention during the course of my counting: a Telekom mobile number was clearly written on the surface of one of…