Precise truth

Dear Editor – The skirmish of truth telling is now besought. Only folks with the guts and gumption can upsurge above all else and testify all the untold facades that brewed the ethnic crises. Stand a man of scrupulousness and not spinelessness. It would now appear that someone has something pivotal to say for the…

Criticism on High Court delays

Dear Editor – We refer to the Solomon Star News headline on Monday 11th July 2016, Issue No. 6328, of criticisms of delays in the High Court in relation to logging matters costing the Government “millions” in log export taxes. While not seeking to downplay the very serious effects of delay in hearing matters coming…

Emergency obstetric care

Dear Editor – Early on in my police career, spent in several African countries, Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia), Swaziland, briefly Lesotho and latterly in Sierra Leone, it was often a sad occurrence to witness maternal mortality due to a shortage of doctors in rural areas and a lack of health facilities. In addition to limited…

Congratulations Real Kakamora

Dear Editor – I for one would like to come out from the silent  supporters of the Real Kakamora players and express my joy and acknowledgment to the Real Kakamora officials and players. I must honest to say here that Real Kakamora team give Makira a very previous gift of pride for their outstanding performance…

Special economic zones proposed

Dear Editor – Last week a Radio New Zealand (RNZI) news bulletin reported that Prime Minister, the Hon. Manasseh Sogavare, had announced his government would soon put in place legislation to guide the establishment of Special Economic Zones in the country. The Prime Minister was quoted as saying the idea was to zone the country…

Silent, dedicated community service

Dear Editor – How many know of the extent and nature of the dedicated community service being undertaken in Honiara and in the remote Marovo region of the Solomon Islands? The behind the scenes work by the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), the Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association (SIPPA) and Brisbane-based doctor Malaika Perchard, and…

Concern on unlabeled goods

Dear Editor – As a concerned citizen and consumer of processed goods, I am seriously concern with the fact that unlabeled goods are filling up shop shelves with no hesitation at all from authorities. If you could take a visit to the shops in the Honiara city, you’ll see that there are process goods that…