Where are the millions?

Dear Editor – I was brought up as child in the 70’s in the rural area. There are three things which I first sensed during those childhood days which serviced me and is still servicing the people today. They are a clinic, water supply and a school. These are very important infrastructure I don’t know…

No development on Renbel

Dear Editor – I wish to express my concern over the current stature of Renbel provincial government. I can see the current situation of the Renbel province as chaotic or in our Pidgin version “Olobaot”. After seceding from the Central province I don’t see advancement in our province. The situation is extremely hard to believe.…

Need a change

Dear Editor – There are people who claim to be Christians and live with GOD’s living word each day and pray each day for GOD to help them especially manage certain obligations that they wanted to achieve but inside their heart is not clean at all. And this is a disgrace to GOD himself. As…


Dear Editor – If Solomon Islands is to developed economically, it would have done some decades ago as millions of dollars had been pumped into the constituencies for rural development through the MP’s. Today our people including the writer continue to face economic hardships because of lack of economic development in the rural areas. Why…

Why not others?

Dear Editor – It is very obvious that the enjoyment of voters’ money held by our respective Members of Parliament have been wrongly used, misused and wrongly converted or diverted for purposes not intended for such. Corruption is over ripe in Parliament, the highest house of the land. A clear picture is in the front…

Lake Tengano

Dear Editor – The Renbel premier exposed his threats to commercialize the lake Tegano world heritage site prompt me to respond very brief. Whilst I acknowledge your democratic right, I however condemned your initiatives to support the proposal loggings and mining. I do believe the whole people of east Rennell are with me to stand…

Women in Parliament

Dear Editor – On Thursday 13th Feb 2014, whilst travelling to work, I listened to the car radio. I was drawn to the voice of a woman speaking in English and saying “Mr Speaker” a few times. As I listened closely, I realised the radio was broadcasting some kind of a debate. Then I recalled…

Our students

Dear Editor – I would like thank the government, if its true that scholarship award has been increased from 99 to 400. We should not deny the rights to education for our young children. They deserved to be awarded scholarship. However, its important to be strict in selecting those students who deserved to be awarded…

Chinese lunar New Year

Dear Editor – 2014 is the year of the horse according to the Chinese zodiac and the spirit of the horse is recognised by the Chinese as a year for making unremitting efforts to improve themselves. It is forecast that, in general,’ fortune’ in all aspects, will fluctuate so care is advised and people should…