Taiwan or China?

DEAR EDITOR – Please publish the following: Taiwan or China? Which one would you chose? The choice is in your hand Dragon, or bull or what? They are all animals and they might not be tamable but we all need animals for meat, milk and soup Which one will you prefer? The ball is in…

Exporting fresh orchids

DEAR EDITOR – With the increasing success of kava as a cash crop rewarding kava farmers with much needed income and the reported success of chocolate sales and coconut related products, I often wonder why the Solomon Islands has not developed a fresh flower market, particularly the cultivation and export of orchids. Floriculture has emerged…

Equal partners

Dear Editor – In Melanesia, women are often regarded as inferior to men. But according to the moral law, men and women are always equal in the eyes of God.   In the Book of Genesis, the first man God made was Adam. He then put Adam into a deep sleep and took one of his ribs…

Quotable quotes

Dear Editor – The late Bart Ulufa’alu, former Prime Minister once said: “The Government is like a 23-headed monster [the number of Ministries at the time], each head had its own ideas and wanted to go its own way, which made governing almost impossible”. And: “The Nation is like a sick human body. There are symptoms,…

Flag raising

Dear Editor – The practice of saluting the national flag a patriotic duty as a sign of pride, unity and love of the Solomon Islands. I was pleased to read a report last week that the Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare, together with the staff of his office, saluted the raising of the national…

The Fall of MP. Steve Abana

Dear Editor –  To liberate Fataleka from the bondage of poor leadership you needa super and dynamic intervention approach. On the 6th Of April 2019 more than two thousand six hundred and sixty-four voters of Fataleka constituency gathered along the black sandy beaches of Subobono, Fakanakafo and Taeloa waving palm leaves, tree branches goodbye to…

Thank you Taiwan

Dear Editor – Since we are in the Easter season, a time to reflect and thank our Savor Jesus Christ, as a Christian I wish to thank a friend who has been silently supporting Solomon Islands’ growth. I’m referring to our good friend Taiwan.  As a mother and woman I have seen and heard the…