Replacing aid with trade

Dear Editor – When addressing the New Zealand Pacific Council in Auckland recently, Prime Minister Rick Hou spoke about the need for the Solomon Islands to gradually curtail aid and to replace it with trade. The PM said, “It is politically and economically prudent that Solomon Islands gradually replace aid with trade, which will in…

Phone 20031

Dear Editor – Solomon Airlines is becoming a hopeless national carrier and service provider. You would be lucky to get hold of them if you call their so-called telephone number 20031. The thing is they simply don’t pick up that phone no matter how many times you try. Come on Mr CEO, what the hell…

Teacher absenteeism

Dear Editor – A week ago the students of Bokonavera community high school have raised a complaint in the public media about the issue of poor and non-attendance of teachers in the classroom learning periods that contributed poorly towards the students’ academic preparation for the coming national form 3 & 5 exams for this year…

Sleep walking

Dear Editor – Andrew D Muaki’s first article in his Friday’s weekly viewpoint column ‘Voice from the side’ (Solomon Star), he raised illustratively the topic ‘Sleep Walking’ and correlated well to the current National Government’s actions on West Papua. In the domestic scene, I would go further and apply the ‘ sleep walking’  approach by…

Non- sense son of Temotu

Dear Editor – Thank you once more for allowing me to respond to Leonard Meneseng, who claimed to be the wise man from the east and a senior citizen of Temotu Province. Before I proceed with my reply, I would like to apologise to the so called “Honiara Temotu Nurses” for including them in my…

Critical drug shortage

Dear Editor – I fear the fate of the lack of critical medicines available on the shelves in our public health facilities.  I was so proud of the essential social service for health and general wellbeing of our nation.  But not bear myself the fact that this critical medicine shortage, could have a negative impact…

Drug shortage

Dear Editor – Thank you for allowing me to make a comment on the above heading that was on the headline news lately. It was announced on the news that there is a shortage of medical supplies stored at the pharmacy department store at Ranadi, Prince Philip Highway. As citizen, I see this as a…

Fika clarifies report

  Dear Editor – In your paper yesterday, one Titus Fika responded to an article, which I had published last week about the status of Gulatata’e Shipping Enterprises Ltd, the entity that administers the LC Gulatata’e. In comments attributed to him, Mr Fika denied owning shares in the company. Extracts from Company Haus revealed otherwise.…

Traffic – way forward

  Dear Editor – Allow me a space in your newspaper to say about the above caption. Honiara City is known for its traffic flow problem regionally and it has been a liability to every stakeholder.  This issue needs to be addressed by every stakeholders rather than just putting the blame on The Ministry of…