Claims keeping chicks stop malaria

Dear Editor – New research published by Yahoo in the United Kingdom on Friday, 22 July 2016, claims chickens aren’t just good for egg laying. It turns out that keeping chickens could provide protection against malaria. Scientists have discovered that malaria-carrying mosquitoes are put off by the smell of certain animal species, including chickens. Therefore,…

Much needed project in Makira needs support

Dear Editor – The community based Rehabilitation Department in Makira/Ulawa province is appealing to the people of Makira/Ulawa province, donor partners and the SIG government for assistance. The Coordinator of the Makira/Ulawa Provincial Community based Rehabilitation Programme, Ms Jemima Melody Siapu, has said her department has embarked on a mission to build a Centre for…

Tree of life under threat

Dear Editor – Readers to your newspaper will know I have long been keen to highlight and promote the production and export of coconut virgin oil by Solomon Islanders, both by community based farmers and by larger commercial concerns operating in the country. My support for the export of coconut virgin oil from the Solomon…

Justice for son

Dear Editor – I refer to an article on the front page of Issue No. 6318 dated Thursday 30th June, 2016 –“ PM:  FEAR NOT – Sogavare tells the nation to trust armed aops”. This good news for the nation came out to the public just four days following the death of my dear son,…

DCCG on the go

Dear Editor – The DCCG’s action plan mission to address the ethnic tension crises related claims step by step and bit by bit as sounded by the DPM which do not go down well with the doctor in the Independent group Dr Derick  Sikua was a good move taken by determined leaders, true real leaders…

Sikua vs Soga

Dear Editor – Veteran politicians mudslinging on media. The political trait displayed by Dr Sikua has sunken to a new low, a deplorable ebb indeed. National leaders should be continuously reminded that you are not only representing a small portion of our country but that of every single individual who calls this beautiful country home.…

SIPA’s policy and practise

Dear Editor – In the year 2000 16 former employees of Solomon Islands Ports Authority (SIPA) were given the green light to call it a day after they had reached the ceiling.  A term SIPA use for retirement. Our group was the first retirees SIPA had retired under this policy and practice, fair and square…