US and Security Pact

DEAR EDITOR, First, I wish to say the freedom we have as a democratic country comes with sacrifices made by us Solomon Islanders and USA and allies during WWII. Secondly, though not mentioned but still a concern given the speed and secrecy about the security agreement, USA and its allies including us Solomon Islanders are…

Sogavare and China

DEAR EDITOR, Manasseh Sogavare now known as the Idi Amin of the South Pacific has put Solomon Islanders in great peril. China will come in with machine guns where Australia came with respect. The United States has now pivoted to the Pacific and Nuclear war is now more likely to be done in strategic locations…


Nothing is new about you For the last 3 times, the same Nothing is new about your lies For your selfishness is obvious This place is not your privacy For in this is the home of many races For freedom and wisdom goes hand in hand For your assumption is foolishness We think that getting older…

Information gap

DEAR EDITOR – Thanks for allowing me to write my views on some issues that are of interest. Two issues that have dominated our Media recently are the “proposed” extension of parliament and the security agreement with China. As rural area resident, I see a lot of misinformation being circulated on these two controversial subjects…


All humanity have a defense system That you live in harmony with all Leadership is all about humility To lead is to serve No one wants to make war For war is a waste of energy Resources and humanity For in it there is no development To be self- serving is the key to war…