Thank you Snyder Rini

Dear Editor – On behalf of the people of Marovo, I take this opportunity to share some of our thoughts on our current member of parliament Chief Hon. Snyder. Rini. First and foremost, the people of Marovo would like to wish you a happy new year filled with good health and wisdom. Secondly, the people…

Plastic pollutants

Dear Editor – “Single-use plastics are a human addiction that we must face head on. Plastic pollution is not only impacting our waters and marine life, but also the human food chain and our overall health.” – Plastic  Recent Radio New Zealand news bulletins have reported how the government in Vanuatu is leading the…

Never hit anyone

Dear Editor – Re ‘Men are accountable for violence against women’, where are parents to teach and train their children that they must NEVER hit anyone. Stop violence at home and it will not spread. You may say that is “easier said than done?” You be the starting voice to STOP any hitting in your…

Amend the use of CDF

Dear Editor – If the current national government is concern about the socio economic development of the nation, the best thing to do is to amend the usage of the current available government fund CDF to serve its intended purpose. It is irresponsible and bad for the country, for the government to continue with the…

Bus fare

Dear Editor – Please publish the following on the above topic: What’s the point? Whats the increase for? Do you want a CEO salary? For smoking and being smelly all day?   The fuel cost is down Yet the owners want an increase? Who are these owners? The Asians in Melanesian skin?   The last…

Root cause of gender violence

Dear Editor – Prime Minister Rick Houenipwela in his New Year message to the people of the Solomon Islands advised everyone to be positive about tomorrow despite the many challenges the country faced in 2017. The PM was essentially referring to the difficulty the country had faced in the past year in meeting the desired…

Is stealing not a crime?

Dear Editor – Stealing is synonymous to thieving or robbing. The Noah Webster Dictionary defined stealing as: Taking the goods of another feloniously or to take and carry away feloniously, as the personal goods of another (paraphrased). Webster went on to explain what constitute stealing or theft as; the taking must be felonious, that is,…

What is MID doing?

Dear Editor – The existence of poor infrastructure such as poor state of road and the costly poorly bus service experienced currently in Honiara indicated very clearly that this very important ministry, MID, is no longer performing its role. This ministry has an obligation to provide and improve transport infrastructure and services for the people…