Student Sponsorship

Dear Editor – Since lending my support to students who had been given letters to study at Solomon Islands National University (SINU) but had limited financial means to support their semester fees and had requested some form of educational sponsorship to enable them to pursue their studies either at the University or at home, my…

Short bus routes

Dear Editor – I will be very grateful if could allow me a space in your famous paper to comment on the above subject. I am an ordinary citizen residing behind the outskirts of Honiara, and every morning I try my best to get early to my workplace, which is nearly 8km from where I…

Singapore offer

Dear Editor – I was very pleased to read SIBC’s evening news bulletin that the Singapore Ambassador to the Pacific  Islands Forum, Ambassador Matthews, has presented a range of anti-corruption books to Prime Minister Sogavare following the Democratic Coalition for Change administration’s intention to establish an Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). Ambassador Matthews was also…

Registration form

Dear Editor – The Mercy Christian Primary School Board would like to respond to incorrect statements from Lui Lemasi published in a ‘Letter to the Editor’ on Friday the 6th of February. It should be clarified that the cost of a registration form was only $10, not the $60 that Lemasi incorrectly claimed. This payment…

Sir Allan refuses to vacate

Dear Editor – I write in response to a front page article carried in the Weekend Sun newspaper issue no.1990 dated February 7th 2015. The article title “Sir Allan refuses to vacate residence “merely went out with all the wrong intension, and can be summed up as character assassination against me. From the outset, the…

The TRC Report and Reconciliation

DEAR EDITOR – The Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government, through its spokesman the Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare, said in the last few days the Truth and Reconciliation Report will be tabled in parliament during the government’s four-year term. It is noted that substantial budgetary provisions will need to be made to address the issues…

Change of mind set needed

Dear Editor – Over the weekend, Tony Hughes, a board member of Solomon Island’s Transparency Watchdog and a former Manager of the Solomon’s Central Bank, reportedly told Radio New Zealand International that Solomon Island’s Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare, has a lot of work to do if he is to live up to his promise to…