Seven drivers arrested

Police Traffic Officers in Honiara have made several arrests over the weekend, on the capital’s roads. Seven drivers have been arrested, for different traffic offenses altogether.  “Three people were charged for careless driving, two charged for drunken driving, one charged for driving an unlicensed motor vehicle and one for reckless and dangerous driving.  “Those charged…


SINPF to purchase Auki plaza By BIRA’AU WILSON SAENIIn Auki  THE Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (SINPF) will soon own the controversial Auki Plaza, in Malaita province for SBD3.5 million, following an auction deal. This was confirmed to the Solomon Star, by the Premier of Malaita province, Peter Ramohia. Yesterday, the premier and the SINPF…

Garo on FPA enactment

The 2018 Women of Courage Award recipient, Emma Garo, says the intentions of the Family Protection Act (FPA) 2014 to safeguard and protect victims of domestic violence is good but the question is whether or not the Act is achieving its lofty goals? She was speaking last week after receiving her award. Ms Garo said…

Dausabea on drug shortage

THE Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) has accused Prime Minister, Rick Hou, for downplaying the drug shortages crisis at National Referral Hospital. This came after Mr Hou said NRH has not reached a crisis points in its drug shortages as reported in the media. Charles Dausabea, who is outspoken on national interests, claimed there is a…

PM on drug shortage

PRIME Minister Rick Hou says the shortage of drugs and essential suppliers at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Honiara is due to poor communication problem and the process involved to get the medications. He revealed this to the media on Sunday in an urgent press conference. However, he said the drug shortage situation is…


Opposition wants PS sacked The Parliamentary opposition group has reiterated their call for the removal of the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Dr Tenneth Dalipanda. This came amidst the current health crisis faced by the National Referral Hospital – the acute medicine shortage. In a statement yesterday, Opposition Leader Manasseh…

Doctors call for state of emergency at NRH

HEALTH CRISIS By COMFORT MAENI THE Government is urged to declare a ‘State of Emergency’ at the National Referral Hospital(NRH) in Honiara. Solomon Islands Medical Association (SIMA) made the call yesterday, as the shortage of medicines and consumables at the NRH reached crisis point. “The Ministry of Health and Medical Service should declare NRH as…

Salvation Army to raise funds, Friday

A FIRST ever fundraising dinner for ‘The Salvation Army’ Red Shield Appeal has been organised for today at the Heritage Park Hotel. This event is an introduction to The Salvation Army Fundraiser Concept – the DME equipment and supporting the financial development of the Salvation Army mission in the provinces in Solomon Islands. With a…

Missing man found safe

  A MAN who was reported to have gone missing after going on a hunting trip at the Kongulai area, Guadalcanal, last week has been found alive at Betikama on Wednesday. Supervising Police Commissioner Juanita Matanga said the missing person was found alive and safe behind the Betikama area, Wednesday morning. In light of this…

PM confident with cable deal

PRIME Minister Rick Hou is confident that the undersea cable project is soon to start after he joined his two counterparts in Australia, to sign the Tri-Partite Undersea Cable Agreement, on Wednesday. Speaking to the local media in a press conference at Henderson VIP lounge, prime minister Hou was pleased to announce the sealed deal.…