Teachers’ competition underway

A soccer and netball competition for Honiara teachers is currently underway. Solomon Islands National Teachers’ Association (SINTA) branch in Honiara organised the event for its teachers to come together and enjoy themselves in sports. Chairman of the SINTA branch Honiara Frank Robolite’e told Star Sports that the competition started last week. “This is first of…

West Rennell taskforce

Dear Editor – Allowing me space again in your column so that I can respond to A. Jones regarding the above article, in Star Issue No.5952 on Thursday 20/08/15. I am sorry for him that he falls short to understand the points that I have raised in my article on 19th /08/2015. In fact my…

Voice of Katario

Dear Editor – An article in the Letters to the Editor column that seems to be not of the mainstream kind, made it to your column last week on Monday (17/08/15). Captioned “Congratulations ‘The Voice of Katario’”, the article was written by JS Pitabelama and referred to a recent gospel DVD release by youths from…

Solar help

Dear Editor – The Hon. Obed Neo is a Member of the Provincial Assembly for Ward 7 at Koviloko in Isabel Province and a gentleman who has done much to aid the elderly, the widows and disabled people in his ward, totaling more than 267 disadvantaged persons. He is desperately seeking aid to secure 350…

Shadows of doubt over Skyline Investment

NEW information has emerged, casting doubts over the credibility and genuineness of Skyline Investment Group Company Ltd. This is the Asian company the Sogavare government is courting to build 5,000 homes in Honiara for public servants in the next four years. This same Asian company had earlier promised the government it would rehabilitate Henderson International…