Training explains gender

PARTICIPANTS of training on Transformative Leadership, Media, Gender and Elections have learned the definition of gender. The training which started on Monday was aimed at realising enhancing women participation at all fronts in a society. The training highlighted that gender is a social or cultural construct which results in the behavioural characteristics assigned to men…

Training aims to enhance ‘Gender Justice’

A training currently underway as part of UN Women’s ‘Strongim Mere Project’ aims to enhance gender justice. Known as a Transformative Leadership, Media, Gender and Election training, various women from a number of organisations including the media are attending the training. The weeklong training started on Monday this week. It is organised in partnership with…

Business reporters reminded of their role

Regional business/economic reporters have been reminded of their important role in accurately reporting on business and investment stories in their countries. Mathieu Robbins, who has worked for two of the world’s top financial news services, Reuters and Bloomberg, stressed the importance of business journalists on Monday at day one of the training. He said regional…

Call to urgently resolve flight impasse

THE unresolved current flight impasse affecting air services between Fiji and Solomon Islands over the past six weeks is costly and must be resolved soon prompting calls for urgent dialogue. Dr Transform Aqorau who heads the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) based in Majuro in Marshall Islands in an interview with the Solomon Star…

Efforts to preserving yam, pana, and taro

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MPs pay tribute to Magga

MEMBERS of Parliament on Tuesday paid respect to Temotu Pele MP, who died Monday night in Honiara after a long illness. They gave obituary speeches in parliament. Mr Magga was from Tuwo village in the Reef Islands and was born on the 11th of November 1953. He obtained a Cambridge School Certificate from Selwyn College…

Family Protection Bill receives support

DEBATE on the Family Protection Bill 2014 concludes on Monday. While they showed support, Members of Parliament who contributed to the debate also expressed concern over how the Bill will impact the lives of families when it is implemented. The Member of Parliament for East Choiseul and Chairman of the Bills and Legislation Committee, Manasseh…