With the hosting of the 18th PNA in Honiara next week, the national government says its preparations are on track for a successful convention THE Solomon Islands Government through the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) is on track to host the upcoming Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) 18th Ministerial Meeting mid this…


Acting Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga has received a courtesy call from the visiting University of the South Pacific’s (USP) deputy vice chancellor and vice president (regional campuses and global engagement), Dr Gulio Paunga this morning. Dr Paunga used the courtesy call to provide an update to the Acting PM on the progress of the USP’s…

COVID-19, 2021 Riot pressurize service delivery

THE effects of COVID-19 pandemic and Honiara 2021 November Riot are continuing to put pressure on service delivery for both the national government and provincial governments. Deputy Prime Minister, Manasseh Maelanga, when speaking at the Isabel Province 2nd Appointed Day last Friday highlighted these challenges which he said keep putting pressure on the service delivery…


A SINGLE tablet of Panadol costs about $3 per tablet in Gizo, Western Province as the Panadol shortage continues to hit the province. Shortages of this particular drug have hit the main provincial hospital in Gizo since last month. For most of the rural clinics and area health centres, the situation is also the same.…

Conflict of interest

ITS good to hear the Member of Parliament (MP) and Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga coming out to explain his side of the story last week. This came after the Opposition Leader claimed that the road contractor, Eastern Esteem Construction Ltd, is partly owned by the Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) and the Minister of Infrastructure…