Solomon Islands in constitutional crisis

The words of wisdom from the drafter of the Independence Order 1978, which turned this nation into a unified Solomon Islands with decentralized provincial governance powers in a master-servant relationship of shared rule, still linger in my ears to this day. The learned professor from Kenya who was also instrumental in brokering the independence package…

Welcome regional peace keepers

Thank you again for your response for assistance for the sake of peace and normalcy in Solomon Islands. After two days and two nights of destruction and looting of offices and Asian business men by disgruntled demonstrators and criminal elements still in Honiara who have been living in a poverty ridden society since year 2000.…

Repeat of 2000

Dear Editor – It is heartbreaking to see images of a repeat of early 2000. I was in Honiara with my family at the time and witnessed the trauma the children and women went through during the hostilities between Guadalcanal and Malaita. I praise God for the 30 years I had there, witnessing the early…

Public officers back to duty station

The Public Service has resumed duties on Tuesday following a joint review by the Public Service Ministry in consultation with the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet of the “Stay-at-Home” notice on Monday. Most public officers in the non-essential services are expected to fully resume duties following the review, a statement issued by Government…

Mayor thankful for support

Mayor of Honiara City Eddie Siapu has thanked business houses, NGOs, community and youth groups for responding to the call for major voluntary clean in the city. In a statement issued by HCC Media Unit he said, as the Head of Honiara City Council Governance, he is profoundly grateful for the overwhelming turn out. “I…

Airlines resumes domestic services

SOLOMON Airlines has confirmed the national carrier’s domestic flight schedule has recommenced regular domestic operations as of yesterday. Solomon Airlines CEO Brett Gebers has confirmed this in a statement on Monday. “We have carefully evaluated the situation and the current environment and now that it is safe to operate, we can confirm we are back…