North road in good condition

THE traveling passengers using the longest road in Malaita, the North Road have so far happy with the condition of the road. The 112KM road that runs from Kwara’ae in Auki through West Kwara’ae, West Fataleka, To’obaita, and Lau Mbaelelea and ended up in Baegu Asifola is in good condition for the past three months.…

Group disallowed to hold meeting

PEOPLE of North Guadalcanal will not entertain any group to conduct meetings based on their own interest which may confuse people and ex-combatants. In a statement on Monday a leader of the ex-combatants in North Guadalcanal John Lee claimed there is a group going around trying to confuse and destabilize people to follow their set…

Kopu: Project to enhance productivity

THE Minister for Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) Duddley Kopu says small scale farm mechanization project is targeted at supporting the enhancement of productivity of land and labour in the country. Kopu was speaking at the officially opening of the new MAL workshop facility under the project “Enhancing Productivity of Land and labour through Small Scale…

MAL unveils new facility for farmers

THE Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) yesterday has officially opened its new small scale mechanization facility at the Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) farm near King George, East Honiara. The opening of workshop facility is dubbed as historic under the project “Enhancing Productivity of Land and labour through Small Scale Mechanization for Subsistence Farmers in…

Community celebrate big day

TAKOI Catholic Community in west Guadalcanal has celebrated the remembrance of their patron saint “our Lady of Mount Carmel.” The celebration brought together more than 500 people in and around Fox Bay area in west Guadalcanal. This is an annual celebration Takoi community to remember and celebrate the church patron saint “Our lady of Mount…

Church celebrates its arrival here

SOUTH Sea Evangelical Mission (SSEM) which was renamed South Sea Evangelical Churches (SSEC) in the country celebrated its birthday over the weekend. The celebration was held mainly to look at the birth of the church and how it reached our shores 122 years ago. Honiara central Church has successfully hosted the three days event. A…