Team Solomon Men’s Indoor Volleyball scoop bronze in ‘Flaming Chalice 2023’

Men’s registered “Green Team” for Team Solomon Indoor Volleyball competing in the “Flaming Chalice 2023” Tournament Premier Division in Australia managed to make it to the top four winning a Bronze medal. This created a new record and history for the men’s indoor volleyball team from Solomon Islands, who are said to “not” have won a medal in any prior matches in international competitions. Thomas Tebaubau, the men’s indoor volleyball coach for the country, expressed his gratitude for the outcome and the men’s indoor volleyball squad for their accomplishment. “Apart from the entire ‘Team Indoor Volleyball’ playing their best, I really thank the boys for making history in the country’s Indoor Volleyball for men by winning the Bronze,” remarked Tebaubau. The men’s coach for Solomon Islands Indoor Volleyball said that the other three men’s and women’s teams competing in the “Men’s Division and Women’s Premier Division” gave it their all in their games but were unable to make the top four. However, Tebaubau said that the experience was…

Veke: Police capabilities & capacities must be modernized and sustainable to counter emerging security challenges

Police capabilities and capacities must be modernized and sustainable to counter emerging security challenges, a strong statement uttered by Honorable Minister of the Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services (MPNSCS) Mr. Anthony Veke during the official opening of the Provincial Police Commanders (PPCs) and Directors conference of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force…

Health Minister reaffirmed government ccommitment towards elimination of 2030 malaria elimination target

Solomon Islands Government remains committed towards the 2030 malaria elimination target despite of challenges it faced. This was reaffirmed by Minister of Health and Medical Service Dr Culwick Togamana at the Asia Pacific Leaders Conclave on Malaria Elimination 2023, in New Delhi, India on Tuesday last week. He highlighted that Solomon Islands have made good…


CBSI Governor Forau urges urgent action to save ailing economy from a further plunge IN light of the current fragile economic landscape and the considerable risks and uncertainties the situation poses, it is critical that action be immediately taken to avoid the economy from further plunging. This was echoed by Governor of Central Bank, Dr…

Police arrest a 50-year-old male person for sexual abuse in Honiara

Sexual Assault Squad (SAS) under the National Criminal Investigation Department (NCID) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has arrested a 50-year-old male person for sexual abuse in Honiara. Director National Criminal Investigation Department (NCID) Superintendent Michael Bole said the incident occurred at the beginning of this year 2023. NCID Director said the suspect…