Earning an income

Dear Editor – I was struck by the simple story, published in your last issue of the Sunday Star, of the determination and self-enterprise which has resulted in Winnifred Nanau, originally from Malaita, earning a living and income for her family by selling used clothing from her rented hut in Honiara. Winnifred was reported as…

Human rights and journalism

Dear Editor – A three-day Human Rights and Media Forum, supported by the Australian Government and the European Union, ended in Nadi, Fiji, last Friday. The Forum saw the attendance of editors, senior journalists and government communications officers from 13 Pacific Island countries, including from the Solomon Islands. Reportedly, the Forum reaffirmed the vital role…

Thank you Sir Albert!

Dear Editor – Grateful if you could include my observations in your editorial column. Last Tuesday(20/04/16) was a historic day in the record of this country. I say that because Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer delivered his earth-shattering decision on the brave challenge by Messers Waeta Tabusasi, Ruth Liloqula, Derrick Manu’ari, Fr. Mark Graham, Tony…

ACOM AB elections, a mockery

Dear Editor – Please allow me to share some food for thought and views and opinions about the recent election of the ACOM Archbishop. According to reliable whistle blowers within the ACOM circle it was revealed that what supposed to be a spiritually guided election of our new AB has turned out to involve claims…

Yow still CEO

“Sasako misleads, my passport is here” Colin Yow is still the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Solomon Islands Ports Authority (SIPA). Responding to Alfred Sasako’s front page articles in the two daily newspapers yesterday, Mr Yow said Mr Sasako and “a few bunch of big business boys” has embarked on a media campaign to oust…

Justice served

Court: MPs tax-free salary unconstitutional MEMBERS of Parliament (MPs) will  be no longer enjoy tax free wages after Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer threw out the award in a landmark ruling yesterday. Sir Albert declared the tax free salary and all other entitlements in Regulation 2015, which was amended and awarded to MPs by the…

Village mayhem

Homes torched, victims taken to safety POLICE were dispatched into the Windy Ridge area in central Guadalcanal after a brawl on Sunday that resulted in the torching of five family homes. Victims have been evacuated and put up in temporary shelters at the nearby Christian Care Centre at Tenaru and Nazareth Apostolic Centre (NAC) for…