Gov’t extends contracts of PSs

THE Sogavare led government has extended the contracts of the 24 permanent secretaries until March this year, insiders have revealed. Their contracts should have lapsed on 31 December 32014. However, insiders said the Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) wanted to extend their contracts to allow its preferred choices of PSs to familiarise themselves with new…

Malaita to elect premier this week

MALAITA Province will elect its new premier this week. That was according to the province’s legal adviser Hendry Kala. MR Kala said the newly elected Assembly will commence its first sitting Monday.  “The purpose of the first meeting is for all MPA members to attend and discuss the election of the speaker and the premier,”…

Girl died from stab wounds

A GIRL died at the National Referral Hospital in Honiara on New Year’s Day after her brother in-law allegedly stabbed her with a sharp knife. Police confirmed the girl, from Isabel Province, died from multiple knife wounds to her thighs and shoulder a day after the New Year’s Eve attack in the Tenaru area, east…

Thanks, thanks, and thanks!

WE’VE come to the end of another year. When we wake up tomorrow, 2014 will be gone and we’ll have 2015. What a year it was! We take this opportunity to thank our readers and advertisers. You have been part of our journey this year. Without you, we cannot come this far. We also wish…

Gov’t rejects Bingtang bid

APID gets the nod AN Indonesian mining firm eyeing the rich bauxite deposits on Rennell has had its prospecting licence cancelled. Minister for Mines Samson Maneka informed PT Mega Bingtang Borneo Ltd of the decision in a letter dated 23 December 2014. At the same time, the Ministry of Mines has granted Asia Pacific Investment…