Academic seminar set for this weekend

AN INTERACTIVE seminar bringing together all local students and academics studying and working at the University of the South Pacific (USP), Laucala campus in Suva, Fiji is set for this weekend. It was a new initiative by the current Solomon Islands Students Association (SISA) executive, led by president, Anthony Maelasi. Its called, FARAILA in a…

‘Repair Marubo bridge’

WOMEN from the Savulei ward in West Guadalcanal are calling on the responsible authorities to repair their bridge that broke down last month. The group made the call last week after going through difficulties in transporting their market produces to Honiara market. A spokeswoman for the group said, that they want to call upon their…

Dry spell affects palm

NEWLY re-planted palm oil at the Guadalcanal Plains Palm Oil Limited (GPPOL) in North Guadalcanal area are being reportedly dying due to lack of rain. The current dry season being experienced in parts of the country including Honiara for nearly a month now has affected the plants. A GPPOL resident told the Solomon Star this…

Malaita projects set to roll out this month

WORK on major infrastructure projects in Malaita province will begin this month following the recent formalisation of contracts between relevant Government Ministries and Contractors. These projects include the Auki Road Sealing project, Fiu Bridge Emergency works, Busurata-Okwala Road rehabilitation and Emergency Works on the North Road while scoping work for major rehabilitation for North Road,…

Hakatingisa’a: Well done Sasako

Out spoken Rennell landowner Pautangata Hakatingisa’a commends the series of investigative report produced by Alfred Sasako to expose Asia Pacific Investment Development (APID) in the media. Speaking to this paper yesterday Hakatingisa’a applauded the reports by stating Renbell people owes him so much in his efforts to put things right under the laws of this…

Businesses urged to take precaution

BUSINESS houses at Ranadi, Kukum, and Central Honiara are urged to take precautions due to the increasing number of break-ins being reported to police. Acting Police Commissioner Juanita Matanga encouraged business owners at those locations to ensure their premises are properly secured to reduce break-ins. Ms Matanga told the media last Thursday police are continuing…

New Anglican priest ordained

THE St Michael Church of Melanesia at Marasa inland West Guadalcanal has ordained its new priest.  He was priest Thomas Vecho. Mr Vecho was ordained over the weekend at St Michael Church. According to North West Guadalcanal Solomon Star stringer John Toki, the priest was ordained by Rt. Ref. Bishop Nathaniel Tome diocese of Guadalcanal.…