Selling of school property refuted

Malaita provincial premier of Edwin Suibaea has rubbished claims that his provincial executive has sold the Auki primary school (APS) sports ground to a Chinese businessman in Auki. In an interview with the Solomon Star on Wednesday premier Suibaea said that he was shocked to hear about the news. “That’s news to me and I…

Sogavare and RAMSI

The former Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare, told Parliament, during a debate last week, that he kept asking himself whether Solomon Islands could have done things differently prior to inviting the Regional Assistance Mission (RAMSI) in the Solomon Islands. He was also raising his concerns in relation to the nation’s need for sovereignty over its own…

50 cabs to support tours

About 50 cabs from various taxi services in Honiara will assist Solomon Island Visitors Bureau (SIVB) with tours in and around Honiara city following the arrival of tourist boat MV Dawn Princess early this morning. SIVB marketing manager Freda Unusi told the Solomon Star yesterday said these cabs will assist them to conduct tours around…

Australia says sorry, Maelanga accepts apology

AUSTRALIA on Wednesday, apologised to Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga over an explosive body search its immigration carried out on him last week at Brisbane International Airport. And Mr Maelanga said he had accepted the apology, which High Commissioner Andrew Byrne delivered during a meeting between the two on Wednesday. “At least the high commissioner…

Maelanga angered over body search

AUSTRALIAN immigration officials did an “explosive body search” on Manasseh Maelanga despite being told he was the Solomon Islands’ deputy prime minister. The incident last week at Brisbane International Airport infuriated Mr Maelanga, who yesterday expressed utter disappointment at the treatment. “I understand we leaders are exempted to immigration checks and body searches in international…

Bad start for new bus

The new jumbo bus service operated by Ropiko Enterprise got to an unfortunate start yesterday morning after the service was blocked and one of the bus conductors being bashed up. Reports reaching the paper said despite the service being acknowledged by many members of the public, it does not go down well with few of…

G’Day Fun Run ready to roll

Staff from the Australian High Commission descended on the Central Market this week to promote the upcoming G’Day Solomon Islands Fun Run. With only a week before the Fun Run, Honiara locals are encouraged to register at the Australian High Commission. The first 1000 entries will receive a FREE G’Day Solomon Islands Fun Run t-shirt.…