Students concern over teachers’ absenteeism

The continuous absenteeism experienced by Honiara High school form six students have forced the students to raise their concern. The group of students told this paper that they missed a lot of class lessons due to claims, some of their subject teachers are continuously missing classes. “This practise happened after the April flash flood.” With…

North Malaita communities undergo training

THE Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock is conducting a one week training in Mandalua school for communities in north Malaita this week. The training focuses on agriculture, climate change and sea level rise that is currently facing parts of the province and the country. Provincial member for ward 5 Bernard Rexley Uguni said the training…

Malaita’s east road reopened

EAST Malaita residents can travel freely again after the road block at Kwaiafa River was lifted. Last week, transport owners allegedly mounted a road block at Kwaiafa River in East Malaita due to the bad state of the bridge. The road block sparked tensions between landowners and vehicle passengers who thought it was the work…

New commissioner visits Auki

THE new police commissioner Frank Prendergast paid his first visit toAuki, Malaita province yesterday after taking up the new post. Commissioner Prendergast and his delegation landed at Gwanaru’u airport by chopper in the open arms of the provincial police commander Alfred Uiga and his team who welcomed them and escorted them to Auki police station.…

Nafinua records measles cases

NAFINUA clinic in east Kwara’ae, Malaita province has recorded 7 measles cases so far. This was through a report submitted to Kilu’ufi hospital last week. Nafinua clinic is the main center that looks after the eastern region to monitor the recent measles outbreak. According to measles team at Kilu’ufi hospital, they divided Malaita into four…

Safe spaces help kids recover from flash flooding

Solomon Islands children, parents and teachers have benefited from World Vision’s Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) program established following flash flooding in Honiara and Guadalcanal plains on April 3. The Child Friendly Space project, set up by World Vision Solomon Islands following the floods, has transformed the lives of children and touched the hearts of parents…

‘Use your royalty payments wisely’

The Ministry of Finance and Treasury is currently processing the much awaited Gold Ridge royalty payment. In light of a payout Forum Solomon Islands International (FSII) has cautioned the 16 tribes of Gold Ridge who will be receiving their royalty payments this week to spend their money wisely. The payment comes after almost 3 years…

Hatate to get $3m in shipping grant

Hatate Development Company from North West Choiseul this morning will receive $3millionin shipping grant from their outgoing Member of Parliament (MP) Connelly Sandakabatu. Mr Sandakabatu on Wednesday told Solomon Star that he would hand over the grant to the company today. “Today I will handover $3m to Hatate Development Company (HDC) sought from our shipping…

Tourism impacts here

TOURISTS are spending more during their visits into the country last year and early part of this year compared to the previous years. This was revealed in an international survey conducted last year conducted by Solomon Island Visitors Bureau (SIVB) and Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT). The survey revealed that the total expenditure recorded…