Businesses on proposed Facebook suspension

Struggling businesses have expressed concerns over Government’s proposal to temporarily ban the world’s biggest social networking site ‘Facebook’ in the Solomon Islands. The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI), as the peak body representing the private sector in the Solomon Islands, is particularly concerned with the negative impacts this decision will have on…

Corruption consultation in Malaita

CORRUPTION as we know is like a shadowy figure that moves about and roams amongst us basically because of us. This sentiment was echoed by Premier Suidani of Malaita Province during his welcome remarks at the opening of the one-day consultation workshop on whistle blower and anti-corruption in Auki, Tuesday.  The Premier said that corruption…

Public Health Emergency Bill deferred

THE Public Health Emergency Bill has been deferred to 2021. The deferment was due to the prioritisation and redirection of resources by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. The clarification was made by the Prime Minister in his weekly nationwide address on Monday. He said the concentration and prioritisation…


Facebook Company to dialogue with S.I Gov’t soon MP Kenilorea condemns the decision Suidani said ban is not the answer to people’s frustrations By ANDREW FANASIANewsroom, Honiara FACEBOOK (FB) Company will discuss with the government about the Cabinet’s decision to temporarily ban Facebook in Solomon Islands in the coming days. That’s according to Facebook Company…

Venue for ballot counting confirmed

COUNTING of votes for Central Honiara and North East Guadalcanal constituencies will take place at the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force Headquarters at Rove. Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare revealed this during his weekly nation-wide address, Monday. Mr. Sogavare said this was endorsed in accordance with Section 98 of the Electoral Act 2018 during the Solomon…

Life imprisonment for Agwa

A MAN who was convicted after a trial over a fatal stabbing of another man in North Malaita in 2015 had been sentenced to life in prison. Stanley Suikona Agwa was sentenced following his conviction on one count of murder during a High Court circuit in Auki, Malaita last Friday. Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer…