Talasasa must take note of the concerns

Our Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), Ronald Bei Talasasa is a highly respected and experienced lawyer. He was elevated to this constitutional post after many years of service in the country’s judiciary. In other words, he earned the position through hard work, dedication and commitment. He has had an excellent command of the Office he…

Is it reasonable?

TWO weeks from now the Ninth Parliament will be no more. A series of things will have happened. On 8th September, Parliament will have been dissolved, ordinary MPs will have come back down to earth and be like one of us, leading a normal life. The Executive Government that is, Cabinet though, would continue but…

Appointments to key Gov’t positions

IT’S natural to think of elections when we think of political corruption. People or business organization with their own agendas can twist voting and influence results. They may secretly give candidates big financial donations which in turn enables candidates to buy votes instead of winning them. But political corruption isn’t just about election rigging. When…

Pan Oceanic Bank

Dear Editor – I refer to an article in your paper of 19 August 2014 in which Peter Boso questioned the credibility of POB and whether or not the CBSI had done a thorough work in the application process. I would like to encourage Mr Boso to read the CBSI Governor, Denton Rarawa’s speech of…

Why CEMA is in deep sleep?

Dear Editor – I take the opportunity to acknowledge Jacob Ofasia’s question regarding what CEMA is really doing now as appeared in Solomon Star, issue No. 5594. I believed Jacob’s confusion emanated from his experience of the glory days of CEMA under its commercial trading function when the market network was in placed. These are…

SINU bill passed

PARLIAMENT passed the Solomon Islands National University (Amendment) Bill 2014 on Wednesday. The Bill was to amend provisions of the Solomon Islands National University Act 2012 relating to the Council of the University. The primary object of this Bill is to facilitate more regular meetings of the council of the Solomon Islands National University. The…

Measles cases on the rise

MEASLES cases have risen over 200 in Honiara and Guadalcanal, health authorities say Thursday. “Parents need to act quickly and vaccinate their children aged six months to four years and 11 months against this potentially deadly disease,” the Ministry of Health, World Health Organisation, and UNICEF have warned. “Unvaccinated young children are the most at…

PM cleared of misconduct allegation

THE Leadership Code Commission (LCC) has cleared Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo of an allegation of misconduct in office. Chairman of the commission Emmanuel Kouhota announced this on Thursday. Forum Solomon Islands International (FSII) lodged the allegation to the commission last year. This was in relation to allegation Mr Lilo was involved in extra-marital affair…