Huge demand for POB’s new product

Pan Oceanic Bank (POB) has experienced an influx of customers  inquiring about the new Lifeline Product for Micro, Small and Medium sized, businesses in Solomon Islands. Since the launching last week the general public have been visiting the POB’s office at the Hyundai Mall and Panatina Plaza. A statement from the bank said, Pan Oceanic…

Police remember fallen comrades

THE Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and Participating Police Force (PPF) will be commemorating Blue Ribbon day today. This is to remember fallen comrades who lost their lives in the line of duty around the world, and those who placed their lives for the course of freedom and peace for all. “This important occasion…

Market murder verdict deferred

THE verdict of three men accused of the brutal murder of a young diplomat outside of the Honiara Central Market in 2012 has been further deferred. Justice Francis Mwanesalua said he will hand down the verdict, Tuesday next week. The adjournment was made because one of the lawyers representing an accused who faces an additional…

New taxi service launched in Auki

A newly registered taxi service c was launched in Auki, Malaita province yesterday. Called Kirio taxi services, the launching involved a parade by the taxi fleet from Kilu’ufi Hospital to Auki town in Malaita Province. It was an initiative of local business owner Joseph Au’u from Fanalai in South Malaita province who is based in…

Workers threaten to go on strike

EMPLOYEES of Solomon Water are demanding the removal of their expatriate finance and administration manager and reinstatement of two local female workers terminated early this month. The demands were contained in a 28-day strike notice Workers Union of Solomon islands (WUSI) issued on behalf of the workers to the board and management of Solomon Water…

PMO – explanations please!

THE Opposition is right. The silence coming from the Office of the Prime Minister on its questionable handling of certain issues is truly deafening. So much so for a government that assumes power on the platform of change. Take the Skyline saga for instance. There have been questions raised about the genuineness of this paper…

Impressive scientific findings

THE Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD), Dr Franco Rodie says that the recent historic discoveries in Guadalcanal are impressive. He made the statement when speaking at a media event in Honiara yesterday to announce a number of discoveries being made following a two weeks expedition survey at the…