PRC team visit NHA 

After successfully completing their three COVID19 tests and 14 days quarantine in good health, the 17 Chinese nationals visited the National Hosting Authority (NHA) last week. This was to have a meeting with NHA Executive Director, NHA Project Management Unit (PMU) Coordinator, NHA Financial Controller, and a PG2023 Sub-Committee rep, a statement from NHA Media…


Solomon Islands Electricity Authority trading as Solomon Power Ltd has contributed 1 million dollars towards the ‘Bringing Our Students Home Project.’ In his opening remarks during the brief handover at the Ministry of Finance and Treasury on Tuesday, Secretary to Prime Minister Dr. Jimmie Rodgers thanked Solomon Power for contributing towards bringing our students from the Philippines home…

NWGDA successfully held COVID-19 training 

North-West Guadalcanal Development Association (NWGDA) last Friday had successfully held its Covid-19 training at Pisei meeting area in North West Guadalcanal.  Guadalcanal Province Manager for Covid-19 Dr. Angela Tahani and Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Health Promotion Acting Director Anne Toncan Eli facilitated the one-day training for NWGDA villages’ representatives and coordinators.  During the…

Kuper: strict regulation in place 

THE Camp Management Sector Management assures the country that the camp team will always do what it has mandated to do to contain any possible Covid-19 cases in the country.  The sentiment was echoed by the  Camp Management Sector Management Chair Karl Kuper in his response to a question asked during the weekly radio talk-back…