Vendors urged use Kukum market

HONIARA Central Market management has urged market vendors to move to Kukum market following the temporary closure of the main market for maintenance work. Honiara Central Market Master Saxon Ofata told the Solomon Star yesterday that the market has been closed for an indefinite period as of Friday “All market vendors must temporarily use the…

New twist in Renbel mine

Two mining firms competing for the rich bauxite deposits on Rennell island should have their leases revoked and given a new chance to reapply, a new report suggests. The report, produced by the Attorney General’s chamber, was forwarded to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Mines. It came months after the ministry awarded a…

Gov’t told to use our cash reserves wisely

Opposition leader Jeremiah Manele says the government should use the nation’s cash reserves in potential export oriented businesses. He was commenting on the Sogavare government’s decision to use $460 million of our cash reserves to fund the 2015 budget. Finance minister Snyder Rini tabled the budget in parliament last week. Manele said the government’s decision…

Gov’t urged to support music industry

The government is urged to recognise local musicians and support the music industry. Opposition leader Jeremiah Manele made the suggestion while speaking in parliament. “Solomon Islands is blessed with rich talents,” Manele said. “One of which is music. A lot of our youths are fully engaged in this industry,” he added. “However, there is less…

High Court trial for 2 murder accused

TWO Guadalcanal men facing separate murder charges have been committed to stand trial in the High Court. Rex Alley, who was accused of stabbing to death his sister in-law, has been sent to the High Court following a short form preliminary inquiry conducted on his case on Thursday. After finding sufficient evidence through the inquiry…

Brief Parliament News

Tax review call Opposition leader Jeremiah Manele has called for a review of the current tax regime, with a view to reduce personal tax. He said the current tax structure is considered to be an ingredient for personal poverty. “Individual employees in the public and private sectors are heavily taxed on their incomes, while at…

Isabel MPs urged to work together

A Chief from Isabel has called on the three Members of Parliament from the province to seriously consider forming a working committee to assist in the implementation of infrastructure development programme of Isabel. Bugotu chief Hugh Bogese said this can be done in consultation with the Isabel provincial government under the leadership of Premier James…

Gov’t vehicle ditches into drain

A government vehicle ended its ride into a stream at the Vara Creek bridge early on Saturday morning. According to an eye witness from the community, the incident happened at 4:30am when the vehicle was travelling from the Tuvaruhu area towards China town. The eye-witness said no one was injured in the accident. “The vehicle…

Out Telekom unveils high speed internet

Our Telekom has announced the introduction of high speed, low latency Internet services to Honiara. The company said it had installed a new ground station for the O3b Network’s medium earth orbit (MEO) satellite service at Henderson, becoming the 11th operator in the Pacific region to implement this ground breaking technology. “Operating at a far…

Landowners want miners out

The Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification is urged to cancel Asia Pacific Investment Development’s (APID) mining lease. West Rennell Resource Owners Association made the call. APID was issued a licence late last year to carry out bauxite mining on Rennell island. But association president Jonathan Tohuika said landowners of West Rennell wanted the…