Hundreds witness priest ordination

HUNDREDS of people within Guadalcanal and Russell islands turned up to witness the ordination of Nickson Donald Sade in the Russells, Saturday. He becomes the church priest for Louna. Catholic Archbishop Adrian Smith officiated in the ordination. During the ordination mass, Fr Jimmy Nolan of the Catholic Diocese of Central Solomons reminded Fr Sade he’s…

Church plans Xmas activities

WESLEY United Church in Honiara will host a Christmas celebration for city members on Christmas day. Rev Willie Maezama of the church said the event will feature many activities for youths to involve. These include carols, social activities, and gift presentation. Rev Maezama added there’ll be feasting and entertainment after all programmes. He said the…

Niuleni group in Christmas carols

NIULENI Community Music Ministry (NCMM) of the Seventh Day Adventist Church has over the past two weeks been heavily involved in Christmas carols in Honiara. Dubbed one of the biggest organised choirs in Honiara, the group has so far covered various parts of Honiara, providing house to house Christmas carols. Music director James Bouro said…

PM’s promise reassuring: Maeaba

MALAITA has welcomed Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare’s promise to pursue national development projects in the province. Caretaker premier Alick Maeaba said Mr Sogavare’s promise, made in parliament last Friday, was reassuring. He said there’s an urgent need to develop Malaita so that its people could remain home and develop their province. Mr Maeaba retained his…

Auki police to launch operation

AUKI police will launch an operation targeting anti-social behaviour this Christmas. Provincial Police Commander Alfred Uiga said the operation will start today and continue on for the next two weeks. Mr Uiga said the aim of the operation is to monitor anti-social behavior during the festive season and ensure everyone enjoys their celebrations. He added…

Another WCPFC failure

AT a recent meeting in Brisbane of the Pacific Island Tuna Industry Association (PITIA) executive the meeting noted with grave concern and disappointment the failure,yet again, of the 11th annual session of Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission to make any substantive progress in considering pressing issues relating to Pacific tuna fisheries management. Despite the…

Temotu to elect premier next month

TEMOTU Province will elect its new premier next month. That’s according to deputy provincial secretary Sam Kafukese.  Mr Kafukese said provincial members elected in the December 10 elections are now in Lata lobby to form the next government. He said two camps have been formed. One camp prefers provincial member for Temotu Neo ward Nickson…

MV Kosco wrecked on Gizo reef

COASTAL freighter MV Kosco ran aground on Monday morning near Nusa Tupe island in Gizo but was freed a short time later. The vessel was on its way to Gizo with passengers and cargo when it crushed on a reef. However, eye-witnesses said after about an hour on the reef, it freed itself with the…