Poor road conditions

Dear Editor – It’s such a sad state to see our roads in a worse state at the moment. It’s getting worse following the heavy rain. Very little had been done to fix the roads for the past weeks now. Take a ride from Kukum in east Honiara all the way down to White River…

Forestry responds to disgruntle landowners

The Ministry of Forestry and Research said it has no powers whatsoever to terminate any company based on a Technology Agreement (TA) as depicted. The Forestry office in a statement yesterday responded to concern raised by landowners from Makira, Western and Central Provinces expressing their disappointment over treatment of some logging companies with regard to…


Man surrenders to police after partner’s death A MAN surrendered to police yesterday after his female partner, who was admitted at the National Referral Hospital last Saturday, died on Tuesday. Honiara police confirmed the man, whose name and ethnicity is yet to be released, gave himself up to police at 9.40am on Wednesday. He is…

Tribute to a young leader

A SELFLESS soul, always putting others first, always the last to talk and very professional and diligent in her work. A person who do not want to be given special treatments. That’s the Kyera we know and we will miss. The Young Women’s Parliamentary Group (YWPG) pay tribute to their Leader, Kyera Varnel, also known…

Saving tuna – and the people who rely on it

The fate of the world’s tuna – and communities that fishing for it – may rest with consumers SEAFOOD consumers are more discriminating than ever before. Not only do they increasingly demand fish that are harvested sustainably, they also look for “fair trade” products that also support local and traditional fishing communities. But these labels…

Consequences of smoking

Dear Editor – I am encouraged that the Prime Minister Sogavare has taken a stand on smoking by calling on people in the Solomon Islands to stop smoking and to wait for the DCCG to enforce its tobacco regulations. The PM was speaking at the official launch in Honiara of ‘World No Tobacco Day’ last…

Missing import parts

Dear Editor – T. John of East Honiara in Solomon Star issue No. 6603 of Friday 26 May, 2017 has raised the above very important public concern. I write as former employee of then (BSIPA) British Solomon Islands Ports Authority that imported goods must be checked properly and received in good order and condition on…

Corruption at work

Dear Editor – We do not have to look far to find corruption. Corruption can happen at any time, anywhere and everywhere.  It begins with us. The little not right deals we do or have committed are part and parcel of corruption at a small start.  They grow and go big when one is addicted…