Team Temotu city bound

The Temotu contingent for Solomon Games has left Lata on Tuesday for Honiara on board LC Grace. President of the Temotu Football Association (TPA) Luke Lapoe confirmed this to Star Sports from Lata last night.  “Despite the bad weather experienced over this side, our contingent left on Tuesday night for Honiara,’’ he said. “Our contingent…

U10 school netball semi&final actions

Lawson Tama netball court is set come alive today with the semi-finals and the grand finals of the Honiara Netball Association (HNA) 2016 U10 school netball league. HNA president Shalom Akao said today’s semi-finals playoffs will feature St Nicholas and Bishop Epalle as first semi-final and Chung Wah up against St Johns for the second…

Radio advertisement

Dear Editor – The above advertisement has been relayed over SIBC to the general public for quite a while now.  It is believed to be promoting twisty that is sold by Low Price Enterprise. This particular advertisement is based on a made up story about a giant who cried without stopping because a child stole…

Gov’t priorities

Dear Editor – Its interesting to see more government vehicles running here and there around the city. It must have cost the government millions of dollars to purchase them. There are government ministries which have more vehicles than others. Some of the vehicles were supposed to be used by government for years. However, soon some…

Dental services

Dear Editor – As a taxpayer of this happy nation, I would like to voice out some of my personal findings about the dental services. First of all, I would like to ask a question, where is the national dental clinic of Solomon Island? I know that there are three main dental services in any…