Why treat MOI differently from the rest?

Former diplomat and Trade Negotiations Envoy, Mr. Robert Sisilo, has expressed concerns on the decision by the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) to conduct the public hearing process for Malaita Outer Islands (MOI) in Honiara, and not in the MOI constituency (Luaniua, Pelau & Sikaiana) proper. In a phone conversation with Chief Electoral Commissioner Polycarp…

Ebola risk in Pacific low: WHO

FIJI LIVE – The risk of the Ebola virus disease spreading to the Pacific is low, the World Health Organisation (WHO) says. However, because of the seriousness of the outbreak, it advises that Pacific Islands countries and nearby areas take proactive action and be prepared. In West Africa, the outbreak continues to evolve, with cases…

ROC encourages females

THE Republic of China/ Taiwan is encouraging the education of females by tilting the scale in favour of females in their scholarship selection for next year. Out of more than 600 applicants for the 2015 Taiwanese Scholarship joint award, most of the recipients were females. The recipient gets their scholarship award last week from the…

Bear With One Another

The seventh of the ‘one another’ sayings of the New Testament for our thought for this week is “Bear with one another” (Ephesians 4:2; Colossians 3:13; James 5:7-11).  Someone has perceptively pointed out that “the church is not an art gallery for exhibition of eminent saints, but a hospital for helping sick sinners.” Most, if…

Training to advocate for women starts

A Transformative Leadership, Media, Gender and Elections training has kick off on Monday in Honiara. The training is organised by Vois Blong Mere Solomon in partnership with UN Women’s Strongem Mere Project for mainstream and community media in preparation for the upcoming National Election.  The overall goal of the training was to promote transformational leadership…

Fishermen scour the seas again for BDM

MORE reports have disclosed people mostly in the Islands and lagoons have been engaging again in harvesting beche-de-mer, (BDM) with news of the soon to be lifted ban circulating throughout the country. Many more local and foreign businessmen are also reported to be buying BDM from rural people, and many more are seeking BDM licenses…