Road works

Dear Editor – Its good to see some work being done to fix our roads. I know its only for short term. But in any way, its helpful to the traffic. Honiara city deserve a road that can with stand our climate because each year will be have more roads and with rain comes the…

Policy interpretation

Dear Editor – As a citizen’s of this beautiful and Christian claimed country of ours Solomon Island but who we lives right at the bottom and heart of the grassroots land, the very remote and local in geography. May, we beg the Solomon Star in your letters to the editor, to release this short writing,…

Kesao death issue

Dear Editor – Refer to Solomon Star of 15/02/2016 on page 2 on the above subject. Three points can be extracted from the comments of the Kesao deputy head teacher regarding the death issue. The points are as follows: – The Kesao school board only accepts one day off from school during deaths and not…

To Sir Peter

Dear Editor – I was deeply saddened to learn this morning of the passing of Sir Peter Kenilorea, who was not only a great statesman, diplomat and Christian gentleman but a person I was privileged to have known and regarded as a friend. I extend my sincere condolences to Lady Margaret, his family, former colleagues,…

Additional scholarships

Dear Editor – I want to thank the national government for the additional scholarship for SINU. However, there are some concerns that I want to put across about the additional scholarships. By looking at the scholarship it only provides tuition fees only. This prompted me to raise concern. My concern is about those students who…

1st March declared as a Public Holiday

GCU: The Solomon Islands Government wishes to advise all Government Ministries and Agencies, Business Houses, Diplomatic Missions and International Agencies and the General Public that Tuesday 1st of March 2016 has been declared as a “National Day of Mourning” in honour of the Late Sir Peter Kenilorea who passed away on Thursday 25th of February…

To Sir Peter

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