Teachers undergo training

AN induction training for block 4 course materials of the certificate in teaching programme for the Teachers in Training (TITs) of Northern and Eastern Regions of Malaita Province is currently underway in Auki, Malaita Province. This training is a continuation after the two regions have completed the other 3 blocks of the Certificate in Teaching…

Gwounaru’u airport clean up ends

THE project to clean up Gwounaru’u airport in Auki, Malaita Province has been completed this week. Gwounaru’u and Kwabala community in West Kwara’ae have been contracted to do the cleaning up of the airport over the past weeks. Provincial Minister for Land Administration, Reform and Survey Martin Fini said, the two communities have completed brushing…

Aufasu hosts youth week of prayer

THE Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA) in Aufasu, Central Kwara’ae, Malaita province is currently conducting its one week youth week of prayer. Speaking to this paper a member of the Aufasu church Luisah Hau said, the one week prayer meeting focuses on youth and featured praise and worship. She said, youths in and around Aufasu…

Alcohol & domestic violence

Dear Editor – Many readers of your newspaper this morning at home and abroad would have been utterly appalled to have read the article alleging that a mother on Ulawa Island in the Makira Province was left paralyzed last Saturday following an argument with her partner who, allegedly, was intoxicated at the time. This latest…

Solomon Airlines making losses

Dear Editor – The controversial issue that hits the mainstream media in the last few months has taken a new twist. The popular social media platform FSII has exposed the lucrative salary paid to the current CEO despite poor performance of Solomon Airlines. The Solomon Airlines Board Chairman has defended the CEO saying “We are…

Public acknowledged for peaceful Easter

Chairman of the Law Enforcement Division of Honiara City Council has thanked the public for their good behaviour over the Easter period. Councillor Charles Aiwosuga said Honiara residents were able to celebrate the Easter peacefully and at the same time maintain the cleanliness of the City. “There were no major disturbances and I thank everyone…