Curse or mismanagement

When anything goes wrong, there are always two explanations: blame it on bad luck or poor judgment. When an economy does badly in terms of poor rates of growth or inflation, economists put the blame on shocks: external or internal. When an economy does well in terms of high rates of growth or low inflation,…

High cost of bride prize

Dear Editor – I am writing to complain about how East Guadalcanal people charge bride prize on their women. Firstly, I must commend the people of Guadalcanal Plains area for reducing the compensation/bride prize that are demanded by other people because we as Christian people, we are not born in this world to be sold.…

Tuhanuku’s call absurd

Dear Editor – The President of Workers Union of Solomon Islands (WUSI) David Tuhanuku”s call on the Government to investigate former CEO Collin Yow and his associate is a waste of time, effort and money. The Government has a lot of urgent and important matters to attend to rather than engaging itself on petty politicking,…

Tuhanuku’s call absurd

Dear Editor – The President of Workers Union of Solomon Islands (WUSI) David Tuhanuku”s call on the Government to investigate former CEO Collin Yow and his associate is a waste of time, effort and money, The Government has a lot of urgent and important matters to attend to rather than engaging itself on petty politicking,…

The hairy ants

Moves around the floor on both rainy and sunny days With its antennae sipping the brewery by the bays Coloured with brownish sediments flowing slowly Down from the interior of the hinterlands After the resources owner signed on the latrine doorways Fixing the future generation into poverty and madness   Here they are on the…

Smoking drivers

Dear Editor – As a regular weekday traveller on public transport, I wish to commend and acknowledged transport providers for their determination and he responsibility. On top of that there is a strategic and crucial change that needs to be adhered to in order to meet professional standards. First drivers who smoke while driving, with…

Smoking drivers

Dear Editor – As a regular weekday traveller on public transport, I wish to commend and acknowledged transport providers for their determination and he responsibility. On top of that there is a strategic and crucial change that needs to be adhered to in order to meet professional standards. First drivers who smoke while driving, with…