Bintan & Coronavirus

Dear Editor – Bintan Mining has put in place precautionary measures to protect its workers and communities in Renbel Province should coronavirus is detected in the country, Social Media outburst has called on Bintan Mining and other foreign companies operating in the country to ensure their workers are checked and quarantined and effectively cleared before…

Our challenges

Dear Editor – Malaita Province, and perhaps all the other provinces, have similar problems. Rundown townships, poor planning, poor offices, and residential buildings in ruin, un-plan road network with potholes, no tar seal, dusty roads,  overcrowded hospitals with deteriorating conditions, rundown clinics with no drugs or medicine, unreliable electricity, overcrowded secondary/community high schools with no…

SIPA problems

Dear Editor – I have never seen SIPA go out to the local suppliers for tenders on equipment or seek preferred suppliers contracts with recognised local suppliers as other SOEs do. All their materials are imported directly thus leaving no “crumbs” in the Solomons.  J.R WilliamsHoniara  

One Link

Dear Editor – This is a brief statement to clear the air around rumours and unhealthy narratives surrounding One Link Pacifica on Social Media and recent news by SIBC and the Solomon Star. We want to reaffirm our position as agreed in our consultation that working on the formality of the schedule of payment commences…

Coronavirus route to SI

Dear Editor – If the government is serious about addressing the threat of coronavirus from entering the Solomon Islands, then all the possible routes for its entry must be stopped. One highly possible route for coronavirus to enter the Solomon Islands is through Rennell.  This is because ships come directly from China, the birthplace of…

IWD 2020

Dear Editor – I would like to pay tribute to our ladies.  A lady by her lifestyle. Not just a woman but a lady. A lady is a woman, but not all women are ladies. She’s made a woman by birth, but become a lady by her lifestyle. She’s refined, polished and well-spoken. She’s respectable, classy…

Eradicating malaria 

Dear Editor – When Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare met with his Papua New Guinea counterpart, the Hon James Marape recently in Honiara the pair talked about the need to eradicate malaria which affects both Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. Malaria is a debilitating sickness that can make strong, healthy adults bedridden for weeks and…

‘Spirit of Solomons’ more than an aircraft but a legend symbolising courage, ingenuity

Solomon Airlines new flagship, an Airbus A320, aptly named “Spirit of Solomons” arrived at Henderson International Airport on Saturday afternoon. The new aircraft recently underwent painting and seat installation in Townsville, Australia. The arrival of the aircraft comes at a time when the Solomon Islands, like so many other countries, is facing the threat of…