A good move to stop corruption at lands office

LAND is a very important asset for this nation and many communities. People treasure land as very important for their future livelihood. And because of that, the demand for land everywhere remains a sensitive issue to talk and discuss. Most disputes between individuals, families, tribes, and communities has its roots to the land. In Honiara…

Indonesia supports Palestinian independence?

What about West Papua? United Liberation Movement for West Papua  The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) just held its extraordinary summit in Jakarta from 6 to 7 March, with the theme “Independence is the right of all nations”. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia reaffirmed its support for the independence and sovereignty of Palestine.…

Vanikoro police arrests

Dear Editor – Firstly I want to maintain that the police arrests done during the logging dispute in Vanikoro was unprofessional. Secondly the writer of the article, Benjamin Tua and his grandfather are settlers on Vanikoro during the first logging operates of the 1930s Benjamin Tua’s grandfather came from the Polynesian otters of the Reef…

Vehicle smoke a silent killer

Dear Editor – Please allow me space to express my concern on vehicles with excessive thick black smoke in Honiara town. Excessive exhaust emission is a silent killer and is becoming a real problem to our country and environment. Most people think only the food we consume can get us sick. But our air pollution…

Drink driving

Dear Editor – This problem of drink and drive is a real problem in the city. And this leads to high numbers of accidents on our roads. Yesterday there was an accident involving two cars. And most of these accidents do happen during the weekends when people are under the influence of alcohol. Therefore something…

Hope FM

Dear Editor – I’m a keen listener of this Hope FM. For months now, this station could not be heard. I wonder what has happened to the service. Please responsible authorities. Can you enlighten us as to why this station is not up and running. This is because we love to hear the lotu songs…

Deteriorating logs

Dear Editor -I read with interest about an article published in your paper on the 27th of February 2016, which titled “PS clarifies issue of deteriorating logs.” The PS of the Ministry of Forest explained that 25,000 cubic metres of round logs at Noaone log pond in West Rennell was being issued a seizure notice…

Road works

Dear Editor – Its good to see some work being done to fix our roads. I know its only for short term. But in any way, its helpful to the traffic. Honiara city deserve a road that can with stand our climate because each year will be have more roads and with rain comes the…