Speaker resigns

Dear Editor – The above heading which appeared on Saturday 11th October issue of The Solomon Star newspaper, ignites something that needs mentioning After being in parliament for five times and from being a prime minister to speaker, what else is there to be achieved that requires re-entry? That is the peak in politics. And…

Renbell PS threatened

Dear Editor – We read with interest to note that the current Renbel Provincial Secretary Mr. Baiabe Peseika is under threat of losing his job as adviced from the Ministry of The Provincial Government (MPG) legal advisor. Any Renbel person with the right thinking mind commend your (PS) effort and courage to frontline this battle…

Close down White River school

Dear Editor – Earlier this year I raised number of concerns in this column regarding the water problem at White River school and the unprofessional attitude of some of the staff. Despite my numerous call, nothing much took shape in the school to address the issues raised. Last week, the school power supply was disconnected…

Leaders must serve people

MEMBERS of Parliament are elected to serve the interest of the nation and people in the constituency. Leaders must serve the people, which is a responsibility that should be shouldered by any person seeking Parliament in the coming election. Since independence many politicians have put their integrity into doubt as the call to serve the…

Unplanned buildings

Dear Editor – As the city is growing larger and the population is increasing, Mbokona road that leads up to the Central Bank quarter is now occupied with unplanned buildings and market booths. A few concerned people said that those living along the road are erecting unplanned houses and they should move or build their…

Sulufou water tanks

Dear Editor – I read with great happiness seeing Solomon Star’s issue on Tuesday 14 October, that Sulufou Community finally received 11 (500 litres) of water tanks. They are part of a project from Malaita Rural Development Project (RDP). Thank you RDP for recognising the need to assist the livelihood of Sulufou islanders. For those…